Monday, January 10, 2011


OK.. i never signed a "contract" about a picture everyday...  I missed a few..  Friday, I was sooo tired. I didn't feel like looking at another computer after work..The weekend went by so fast I missed it. 
Oh well, Today is a new day.  I will add to what I have and not look back.  This is still more than I would  have done.  Normally I only take picture at special events, birthdays, holidays.  So to you, these pictures may be boring.  WELL... we are boring!  I am sooo glad.  :)

this wasn't this morning.  She was relaxing in my bed after school.


  1. This doesn't even look like Grace. Funny picture! I like your attitude by the way. No biggie that you missed a few days.

  2. Your right--- No contract. I love your attitude too. Grace looks like Nick in this picture:) Boring is Beautiful! No Drama momma!
